Support Agent
- Total activity 121
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- Following 0 users
- Followed by 0 users
- Votes 3
- Subscriptions 107
Recent activity by Support Agent-
Welcome to your Help Center!
You're looking at your new Help Center. We populated it with placeholder content to help you get started. Feel free to edit or delete this content. The Help Center is designed to provide a complet...
What are these sections and articles doing here?
This FAQ is a section in the General category of your Help Center knowledge base. We created this category and a few common sections to help you get started with your Help Center. The knowledge ba...
How do I publish my content in other languages?
If you have configured your Help Center to support multiple languages, you can publish content in your supported languages. Here's the workflow for localizing your Help Center content into other ...
A random test article to see what happens and how it renders with a longer title on the homepage
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi u...
Using the Support Portal
You can use the Support Portal in several ways: Submit a support request or question related to a system that we support for you - no need to login, but you can if you want. Click 'Submit a req...