All feature requests can be found in Community under Feature Requests (you need to be logged in to see it).
You can add a new feature request by creating a new post. Please tell us the name of your app and describe your request as best as you can, how it will benefit end users or editors and give us examples of use cases.
Other users can follow, comment on the requests and vote for them.
Product managers can review feature requests and provide feedback.
TAM Highland.
Request to have show next/previous buttons and show print button to be turned on by default.
These are turned on for all of our pages therefore will save time and error with having these on as a default. We can then chose to turn them off in the rare circumstance that they are not needed.
TAM Highland
Review Report:
Is there a facility to identify how many pieces of guidance there is on an instance?
Request that review report contains more options: Ie, as well as: expired, expire in 1, 3 and 6 months. Also: all content.
Is it possible to see how many of each template there are?
Is it possible to see more analytics, eg, how many times each item has been accessed?
NHS Highland
Request that tables have the first row as header by default. That can be turned off when chosen.
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