Version 5.4.1, 10-Nov-21
- Calculator template update to use the correct CMS alias reference
Version 5.4.0, 10-Nov-21
- Quris redesign / accessibility - review website width and Editorial boxes being displayed on the right
- Bug Fix - PDF files are downloaded instead of being opened in browser
- Bug Fix - Calculators not loading in calculator templates
Version 5.3.1, Patch, 27-Oct-21
Version 5.3.0, Minor, 27-Oct-21
- Quris redesign / accessibility - table width to be responsive when it exceeds content area width
- Quris redesign / accessibility - sticky table headers
- TAMS Condition primary care template changes.
- TAMS treatment template changes.
- Quris redesign - lists in What's New (In current sprint)
- Quris redesign / accessibility - display Editorial under the content on mobile in landscape
Version 5.2.1, Patch, 16-Sept-21
- Bug Fix - Protected media functionality
- Issue found in 5.2.0 needed to be rectified right away in order to work as part of the package rollout.
Version 5.2.0, 16-Sept-21
- Protected media functionality updated
- Toolkit password protection on web - media files accessible via direct UR
Version 5.1.2, 14-Sept-21
- VUE JS APP FIX: Fix applied for FileParser for VUE JS Apps.
Version 5.1.1, 18-Aug-21
- Moving some of the new RHCG formats to baseline 2 (images and tables)
- Pathway Builder - error message shouldn't show on first opening
- App build fix (tool images not being published to the app)
- QURIS CORE - NuGet package updates
Version 5.0, 16-Jul-21
- Quris Frontend Redesign
- Indexes stored in Azure Blob Storage
- 1New RTE formats added from RHCG
- Security headers added to Quris Core
- Support the CMS Welcome tab is made available to every user (not just admin)
- Pathway Builder try and catch solution
- Instances that use authentication - Log out button not working on toolkit child pages
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