- Google Pixel phones with Android 13 will not support the use of Quris Apps
Any QURIS app(s) with version number 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 are incompatible with Android 13, this version of Android is currently only available on Google Pixel devices. We advise against updating your device to Android 13 if it is critical for you to still use the app right now.
We are working on a fix for this. You can use the web version on your phone and still get the same content, it just won't be AS neat and tidy as the app.
- Websites down/ Access to Back End Slow and unresponsive
- Indexing issues on the backend
- After being reported, Tactuum resets Indexes and fixes issues for the time being
- Working on more permenent fix to address Indexes going down in first place
- Slow website and errors with Preview mode - similar to #1
- The cause of these issues is that the index files that are stored within the azure containers are getting corrupted, the temporary solution is to rebuild the indexes again through the cms.
- This is not a long term solution since the issues continues to reoccur. We need to look into perhaps moving the site and the storage container to a different location and service plan within azure.
- Site Map report tool currently not working
- When attempting to run a report, there is no response
- If we run a report, emails don't show, dates are not formatted correctly
- Working on a fix for a upcoming release
- Error Report in Pathway Builder
- User reported error log when working on Pathway Builder
- Copying over a pathway to a new template without losing content
- Bug is being investigated
- Drug Template Indications Section is not Displaying
- User reported being able to enter content into these sections but they are not displaying on the front end
- Bug has been logged into system and will be fixed by March 2022
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