As the Quris mobile application continues to expand and be utilised in a various number of ways, not only targeting Health Care professionals but also patients, it is extremely important that we continue to evaluate the app and identify any areas that could be improved upon to enhance the user experience in turn making the app more effective and user friendly.
From recent internal evaluations and user feedback it has become apparent that the core navigation, around accessing and downloading toolkits, can sometimes hinder that user experience causing some confusion and uncertainty. As this is a main part of the app’s functionality we have decided to come up with a new solution for this navigational issue as well as restructuring the user interface, striping everything down and starting from the ground up.
Interactive wireframes
Over the last view weeks, we have been creating various solutions to tackle this usability issue working towards one in which we feel is most appropriate to take further. However, it would be useful at this point to gather feedback on what we have achieved so far. Therefore, it would be much appreciated, if using the link below, you could provide us with your feedback.
Interactive wireframe link:
You will have a choice of two ways to provide feedback:
- One being simply clicking on the link above and leaving comments in the comments section.
Fig.1 - Comments can be written and submitted on the left hand side of the screen as shown above.
- The other is slightly more involved in which you will be invited to carry out a few test tasks and then at the end complete a quick survey regarding your experience.
When interacting with the wireframes it is important that you try not to use the navigational arrows found at the bottom (shown below) and try to interact with the components within the phone frame itself.
Fig.2 - It is important that you DON'T use these buttons to move between screens.
Test Task
Carrying out the following steps will simulate a journey through the app which includes downloading and navigating through toolkits and tools as well as interacting with other features which the app has to offer.
- Please could you download both the GGC COVID-19 and Medicines Companion toolkits.
- Once both have been downloaded, navigate into the GGC COVID-19 toolkit.
- Find the page titled “Clozapine treatment and COVID-19 vaccination” within the Mental Health toolkit under "Prescribing".
- Once you have navigated there, please leave a comment on this page using the page options action.
- After the comment has been saved for this page, please navigate to the “Antipsychotics” tool found in the Medicines Companion toolkit.
- After this, return to the toolkits landing page and uninstall the GGC COVID-19 toolkit.
This concludes the test tasks.
Once you have completed each of the test tasks could you please take a few minutes to complete this follow up survey with the purpose of gathering information on how your experience went when interacting with the proposed solution. This will give us an additional insight, along with any additional comments you might have left, into how appropriate this solution is to iterate on and take forward into development.
Follow up survey:
Thank you for you time and feedback, it is very much appreciated.
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